Namaste–or welcome

Are you new to yoga? Don’t be shy! We all start somewhere. So let’s introduce ourselves. We’ll start with hello, or “Namaste.”

“Namaste” is a Hindu greeting used when meeting or parting, usually said while holding your hands together in front of your chest. We often use this greeting in yoga as well.

  And it turns out yoga, dance, and other movement classes have more benefits than just brightening your day. Research shows that exercise makes you healthier, gives you more energy, and helps you sleep better

You'll learn a lot of new words and ways of moving in our classes. If you or your little one have any questions before, during, or after class, don't hesitate to ask them.

Let’s get moving, shall we? Namaste!

Hosh’s Top Ten Yoga Facts Here is our Top Ten List of Yoga Facts. Got any to add to the blog? Email them to us at [email protected].

10. Yoga is an ancient form of meditation. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root yuj which means to yoke or join together.

9. “Doga” is a type of yoga that people do to strengthen their connections with their pets.

8. In the western world, Hatha yoga is the type of yoga most frequently practiced. Ha means “sun” and tha means “moon,” symbolizing the goal of Hatha yoga – integrating both complementary forces.

7. Practicing yoga helps to increase your Prana, or life force. Prana, when translated literally,  means breathing forth. Yogis sometimes use prana as a synonym for breath or air.

6. Chakras are centers of spiritual power in the body that run from the base of the spine up to the crown. When the chakras are cleansed through yoga, the yogi is able to attain Prana. Some yogis believe there are seven, and others believe there are eight chakras.

5. Studies show that yoga reduces the risk of heart disease by improving blood flow.

4. Other studies show that yoga helps treat diabetes, asthma and high blood pressure.

3. Om is a Sanskrit mantra  that is traditionally chanted at the beginning and end of yoga sessions. The sound of Om (pronounced Aum) is believed to be the sound of the universe.

2. An asana is a pose or position practiced in Hatha yoga. Examples of asanas are Mountain Pose and Downward Facing Dog.

1.The practice of yoga goes back over many centuries. Archaeologists discovered stone carvings of yoga positions that are over 5,000 years old.

The simple truth and answer is: yes. I have worked for ballroom studios all over New York City and my opinion is we are overcharging couples from all walks of life. 

There is no need to charge couples $100 per lesson when  all the instructor is teaching them is a box step that you can look up on You Tube.

Most couples need 4-6 lessons to organize a simple first dance. However, I have worked with couples that put on a show and require up to 10 lessons.

Yes, studios have labor and operating costs to worry about. But we can all work a price that is a lot more budget-friendly than most Manhattan studios today. 

Henry Cross

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